Sunday, May 27, 2018

Screenshots: My Top 100 Favorite Films 70 to 61

#70 Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me (1992)

#69 Angels with Dirty Faces (1938)

#68 Clerks.(1994)

#67 Hellraiser (1987)

#66 A Virgin Among the Living Dead (1973)

#65 If.... (1968)

#64 Mad Max: Fury Road (2015)

#63 Skyfall (2012)

#62 Watchmen (2009)

#61 Spider Baby or, the Maddest Story Ever Told (1967)

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Screenshots: My Top 100 Favorite Films 80 to 71

#80 The Avengers (2012)

#79 Vertigo (1958)

#78 The Beyond (1981)

#77 The Wrestler (2008)

#76 A Clockwork Orange (1971)

#75 Streets of Fire (1984)

#74 Inferno (1980)

#73 Phantasm (1979)

#72 Highlander (1986)

#71 Secretary (2002)