Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thrill me

Night of the Creeps is coming to DVD in October! Finally. It seems like it took forever and a day for it to happen.

Go here and scroll down. You can pick your favorite cover. The winning cover becomes the official DVD release's cover.

Pre-order it here. Not bad for $17.99, look at what you get.

•Birth of the Creeps featurette featuring Dekker talking about the origins of the project
•Cast of the Creeps featurette featuring Jason Lively, Tom Atkins, Steve Marshall, and Jill Whitlow
•Creating the Creeps featurette featuring interviews with SFX creators David B. Miller and Robert Kurtzman
•A special Tom Atkins-centric piece called Tom Atkins: Man of Action
•Escape of the Creeps featurette providing a detailed look at the post-production
•Deleted scenes
•Trivia track
•Fred Dekker solo commentary
•Cast commentary featuring Atkins, Whitlow, Marshall, and Lively
•The original theatrical ending
•And footage from the Cast and Crew reunion screening at the Alamo Drafthouse.

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