Saturday, August 22, 2009

"What Would Iggy Do?" an interview with Colby Veil

by indrid13

Before I present this interview with the totally awesome Colby Veil, I thought I would give our readers a little history of my experience with Mr. Veil and his band Hollywood Roses. I first discovered Hollywood Roses while working a soul-crushing job at a major entertainment store in 2007. One day while stocking shelves, I came across a new release entitled Dopesnake by the aforementioned Hollywood Roses (actually I’ve learned these are two separate projects, both fronted by Colby Veil, and both with new material coming soon!) The cover art and photography immediately reminded me of the classic bands of the Sunset Strip. I purchased the album, without even hearing a single tune! Luckily, the album turned out to be incredible. Every song on the album brought to mind the early days of Guns N’ Roses and Motley Crue, but with modern sensibilities, and a style all it’s own. There are 15 amazing tracks on the album (believe me, if you have any love for rock n’ roll, you need to own this album!!), but one became more special to me than any of the others, Richer or Poorer (a track that was almost cut from the final album!!). My wife and I fell in love with the song the minute we heard it, and we knew we would have to play it at our wedding that summer (I later found out that Colby and his wife Erica also played the song at their wedding as well, which makes it even more awesome to me!) Soon after I found out that Colby had starred in a movie that combined two things I love, Rock n’ Roll and horror, entitled Attitude For Destruction! The movie did not disappoint! Gore, mayhem, and a killer soundtrack combine for a film that is an absolute blast to watch! So that brings us to the present! Now read on to discover more about the multi-talented Colby Veil!!

I really love the Dopesnake album, can you tell us a little about the writing and recording of the album?

Colby: I got together w/ Danny Nordahl (The Throbs, Faster Pussycat, MotoChrist) and we just started gelling. He came up with the riff for “Hell Yeah!” (The 1st song on the record) and we just kept on going…the motto of that album was “What would Iggy (Pop) do”? It was supposed to be a “Hollywood Roses” original record, but “Dopesnake” became its own animal…I am currently working on a record for both bands…

What was it like performing with Steven Adler and Adler's Appetite in South America?

Colby: It was absolutely incredible! The kids down there don’t have the pop culture epidemic that we have here in the states…They value music in their own personal way, especially when it comes to a band with the impact that Guns N’ Roses has had for over 20 years. When they caught wind that “Adler’s Appetite” was coming to their own backyard…the response was amazing! Their love and appreciation is something that will certainly stay with me for life, and I can’t wait to bring the “Hollywood Roses” down there and share that experience with them again!

Attitude for Destruction was awesome! What was the experience of making the film like?

Colby: Well, it was a trip…I filmed my biggest scene on the first day…Then we had a day off. I had a show the next day, and while running down my stairs with socks on, I slipped and broke my leg in two places. The movie was hung-up and put on pause for about 6 months…Strangely enough, once we picked back up with filming it was as if no time had gone by. The fact that this movie has now landed “Cult Classic” status, I have often wondered if it would have ended up the same way if that had never happened!? Working with Ford Austin (Director) was fantastic! Everyone just got along like a bunch of kids playing in the sandbox…Ford, made sure when it was time to roll, we were focused. There weren’t any egos or anything…Bottom Line – It was FUN!

I am a fan of the horror/rock hybrid genre. Were movies like Rock N' Roll Nightmare, Trick or Treat, Wild Zero etc. an inspiration in the creation of Attitude?

Colby: Absolutely!! We all went into this knowing that. I am a HUGE fan of campy horror as well, but I have learned that you can’t predict if it will take off or be accepted into that genre. Basically, there isn’t an exact formula to do this. What I do know is, we all had a great time making this movie. And we took it on the road, premiering at about a dozen horror/sci-fi conventions. We took in several awards including “Best Special Effects”, “Best of Convention”… as well as many nominations such as “Best Soundtrack”, “Best Horror Film”…. Amazing! In the words of Rodney Dangerfield “Who Knew”!?

The soundtrack to Attitude, featuring Hollywood Roses and a host of legendary performers, is incredible as well. Tell us a little about the creation of the album?

Colby: The songs on this record were pretty much wrapped up in mixing & mastering by the time “Attitude For Destruction” was in full swing. The songs were chosen early on during the preproduction of the film, and with the screenplay in place, the scenes were matched accordingly. It’s a great Rock n’ Roll record!! I am very proud of it and the songs within!

Any chance Drake will return?

Colby: There has been talk of this…and the way that the film ends, it certainly leaves things wide open for a sequel. All I can say is that stranger things have happened, and that I am all for it!

I've heard you’re in the upcoming film Dahmer vs. Gacy with Sleepaway Camp's Felissa Rose, Ann Marie Lynn Gracey from Attitude, and Steven Adler! What can you tell us about the film?

Colby: Lets see…I play a “Religious Hotline Operator”. The devil is in the details with this character, so you’ll have to wait and see…Imagine cloning John Wayne Gacy & Jeffrey Dahmer and the fallout that would take place as a result… Also, throw in some ninjas, a man that talks to God by way of a condom machine and a radio…it is quite a scene! I was there, during Steven’s (Adler) scene…He does a great job…I’m sorry that all my answers are so vague…But trust me, this film is going to be amazing! You’ll see…

Can you tell us about your new column in Chaotic Riffs magazine?

Colby: My column is called Colby Veil’s “FREAKSHOW”. It appears online in the monthly e-zine - “Chaotic Riffs Magazine”. This column is of my own invention and kicked off in the July 7th issue. After doing an interview with Jason Houston at “Chaotic Riffs” & then seeing it online, I felt it was a great place to set up the tent for my “FREAKSHOW” spot! This is a fantastic way to give back to the gifts that Rock n’ Roll has given to me…And I am really enjoying it! Check out the next issue of “FREAKSHOW” VOL.2 at

I'm dying to know...What did you think of Chinese Democracy?

Colby: As complex as this album is…Axl seems to have it down. I think it expresses so many things that he couldn’t conjure during the previous “Guns N’ Roses” albums. Axl Rose is one of those artists that are not predictable by any means. Think about it, “Appetite for Destruction” is one of the greatest recordings of all time, and represents the most sensational American rock n’ roll bands since “Aerosmith”. That being said, the bar had been raised from the jump-start…this is a tough situation to be in. So to Axl, he’s just trying to express himself outside of the box…I think “Chinese Democracy” is a really great concept record, and shows his strengths as an Artist.

Any final words for our readers?

Colby: Thank you so much for having me here! Be sure to check out & – If anyone wants to drop me a line –

I hope to talk to you guys again soon –
Until then…Rock n’ Roll Til’ Death!

Thank you so much Colby, you truly rock harder than anyone I know! If any of our readers on the west coast are in the mood for a truly kick-ass Rock n’ Roll show, Hollywood Roses and Vains of Jenna will be playing September 1st at The Dragonfly, 6510 Santa Monica Blvd in Los Angeles. The show starts at 8:45!!

Attitude For Destruction – Movie Review
As readers of this site know, I can’t resist the mix of Rock N’ Roll and horror. Give me the likes of Trick or Treat or Black Roses over Freddy Kruger any day! Unfortunately, this genre seems to be largely forgotten these days. At least that’s what I thought! Then I discovered Attitude For Destruction!
The Plot: Before Hollywood Roses can score a major recording deal they have to fire lead singer Drake (Colby Veil). To say Drake doesn’t take this well is an understatement. Drake goes ballistic and is eventually murdered by his dead band mates. In a year’s time, the group is a major league success. Unknown to the band, Crystal, Drake’s girlfriend, has been using satanic arts to control the band’s destiny. Soon she resurrects Drake as a crazed killing machine, and then things get completely, bat-shit, insane!!
My Impression: This film is an obvious labor of love from director Ford Austin. Filmed on location around Hollywood and Culver City, the film is a love letter to fans of Rock N’ Roll horror. The nudity and gore are plentiful, the music is incredible (I highly recommend picking up the soundtrack), and the cast looks like they are having a great time! I for one cannot wait for Drake to return and start raising even more hell!!!
I Recommend This Movie To: Any one that visits this site, anyone who loves having a great time with a horror film, and anyone who loves hearing great music while witnessing uncontrollable mayhem! In other words, everyone I know!!

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