Friday, September 25, 2009

Movies I love: Cannibal ferox (1981)

Cannibal Ferox (1981)

Rudy: There's something I can't figure out...
Gloria Davis: What's that?
Rudy: I don't know.

Not as harrowing as Cannibal Holocaust. If it wasn't for the animal killings this would be the perfect grindhouse experience for me. The animal cruelty is unnecessary and takes me out of the film. But there's a lot here to love. The soundtrack is great. Plus the movie has some very cheesy dubbing. There's lines you'll be quoting for days. Most of which a delivered by two of the most ridiculous mobsters ever to grace a movie screen.  Then there's some ridiculous, over the top gore effects. You'll either be laugh and them or puking after seeing some of them. Definitely a grindhouse classic.


  1. One of my favs as well. Lombardo Radice is great in this one. I've read that he hates this film and only has bad memories of making it. Not too surprising I guess.

  2. Though I like FEROX, Im in the HOLOCAUST camp. I always liked the rawness of HOLOCAUST, but there is plenty of sweet as gore in FEROX. Ive decided not to piss off cannibals after seeing it for fear of wiener removal
