Saturday, October 31, 2009

INDRID 13’s Top ten picks for Halloween viewing


Want to watch the cool shit this Halloween? Here’s what you will need!

Trick or Treat: No not that new anthology bullshit! I’m talkin’ bout Sammi Curr! Watch this clip than purchase this film NOW! (You can buy it at FYE for about 3 dollars!!!)

Rocktober Blood: Billy Eye screams and slays!

Attitude for Destruction: Drake gets fucked over and comes back from the dead to hand out some rock n’ roll vengeance!

Dark Floors: Lordi made a movie. If you don’t understand this statement, you suck. Go watch some lame-ass Saw movie in stead poser!

Monster Dog: Alice Cooper stars in this little seen Italian gem. Read it again. Alice Cooper in an Italian horror movie. Clean yourself up and watch it!

Black Roses: From the evil minds behind Rock N’ Roll Nightmare. If you need any more recommendation than that, you shouldn’t even be on this site!

Speaking of which…

Rock N’ Roll Nightmare: Metal gods wash dishes as Satan comes a knockin’. An absolute requirement!

The Gate: Incredible effects, characters you will give a shit about and a kid wearing a Killer Dwarfs jacket.

Phantom of the Paradise: Like the Rocky Horror Picture Show? Then you will love this! A songwriter makes a Faustian deal with the evil Swann (played by Paul Huckabuck Williams) and comes back as a goth girls wet dream. Plus Beef.

Hard Rock Zombies: Let’s see if this appeals to you. A rock band whose lead singer sports a stache and mullet that had to be placed upon him by the Lord of all Metal, Hitler, Dwarves (one of them actually eats himself), Eva Braun is a werewolf, A seriously fucked up romance (featuring two caterpillars as eyebrows), and of course zombies!



  1. Almost everything on this Blog looks really good. Phantom of Paradise is one of my favorite film but Lordi sucks. Lordi really really sucks. "F" Lordi and the dog they came in on.

  2. Oh p.s. I went to your blog, and your art is killer! Love the Vivian from the Young Ones...
