Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday Top Ten: My Top ten DVD guilty pleasures

These are the top ten DVDS that I can't believe I own and that I love. Maybe i shouldn't love'em but so help me I do! So here they are...

10-Prophecy: A Monster Movie (1979)

A movie about a mutant killer bear. What's not to love!

Behold the sleeping bag scene.

9-Howard the Duck (1986)

I saw this in the theater when it came out. I have a fondness for it that I can't explain. Plus Lea Thompson is damn hot!

8-Amityville 3-D (1983)

It's total poop, but seeing it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside with nostalgia. Plus it's got excessive 3-D fish menacing.

7-TROG (1970)

I spent more then a few Saturday afternoon watching this ridiculous film. Trog's rampage has to been seen to be believed.

6-Ghoulies (1985)

A low rent Gremlins clone. Cheese filled and harmless.

5-Don't Go In The Woods..Alone! (1981)

Oh so bad...really no words can do it justice. James Bryan I love you...

Revel in the glory of the end theme!

4-Flesh Eater (1988)

Ridiculous zombie "epic", feturing the best drunk Dracula ever! They"re DEAD THINGS!!

3-Shreik Of The Mutilated (1974)

Awesome...or is it? Details. Details.

2-Howling 2: Your Sister Is a Werewolf (1985)

It's all about Chris Lee in those shades and those end credits. Howl!

And now my guiltiest of guilty DVD pleasures...

1-Gossip Girl The Complete 1st Season

Yeah I own it and I love it. Don't ask me how our why I get addicted to stuff like this on television, but I blame it on those damn soap operas I watched on TV when I was home sick from school as a kid. That and it has an evil Michelle Trachtenberg.


  1. Hey, as long as you enjoy them, who cares, right?

  2. Awesome list (and a brave one given your first choice)!

  3. The list and the clips made my day. It's sublime and ridiculous and I bow to you for it.

  4. I cant say I share any of those, but I have some real skeletons in my closet, including HOWLING 4 and JASON X lol..
