Friday, December 4, 2009

Femme Fatale Friday

I wanted to do something that would reflect the love, adoration and fascination I have for the beautiful women of film, television and music with you. So, first up is...

Emily Perkins


  1. Whoa. Somehow on Supernatural they make her look all nebbishy and kinda dorky, I didn't even recognize her until I clicked on the IMDB link and saw who it was. Not sure I've seen her in anything else though, other than that small but memorable role in Juno.

  2. I know, The Supernatural make-up department do a heck of good job making her look all nerdy. She was the reason I watched Juno, but I actually enjoyed the movie. I didn't think I would.

  3. Next month is the tenth anniversary of the first Femme Fatale Friday post.
