Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My Top Ten Favorite Films Of 2000

Many sites are doing best of lists, and I love a best of, so here's mine. With a few notes here and there. Swing over to Cinema Du Meep and check out the best of the decade posts there. They were a major influence on my format for this.

When I went to see this in the theater with Dan we both laughed our asses off. But we seemed to be the only one there that got the film's dark satire of 80's yuppies.

Many did not care for it, but I kind of dug it. There's a creepy vibe to the proceedings that I appreciated.

Kirsten Dunst and Eliza Dushku as cheerleaders! Besides it was actually funny too.

This film is here more for the memory of going to the theater with my dad to see it then the film it's self.