Saturday, January 16, 2010

Awards season part 2

Meep over at the great Cinema Du Meep bestowed upon me the Kreativ Blogger award! Thank you Meep!

So here are my awards for Kreativ also requires me to give out 7 awards for creative blogging and list 7 interesting things about myself, I'll get to that later...when I can think of something interesting about myself...

Kitty LeClaw at Killer Kittens From Beyond The Grave

William Weird at Bearded Weirdo Reviews

The Igloo Keeper at IGLOO OF THE UNCANNY

Curt over at The Groovy Age of Horror

Christopher in Space1970

Ed at Only The Cinema

Kirk at the Secret Fun Blog

And please check all these wonderful blogs out.

Also thanks to Eegah!! and Tabonga! over at 13 (Monster Movie Music) for a 2nd one of these...