Thursday, January 7, 2010

Awards season

My very first blog award! I want to thank fellow blogger and TCRM supporter Carl of the excellent I Like Horror Movies for the honor. Thank you very much for the award.

So the rule is you pick an additional 15 blogs to recognize. So here are my picks. 15 blog I dig .

Basement of Ghoulish Decadence
13 (Monster Movie Music)
Cinema Du Meep
Black Hole DVD Reviews
Cinema Somnambulist
Frankensteinia: The Frankenstein Blog
Anchor Woman in Peril
Johnny LaRue's Crane Shot
Made for TV Mayhem
MONDO 70: A Wild World of Cinema
Moon In The Gutter
Will Towles's art and lifestyle rant
Tower Farm Reviews
The Green Inferno

Be sure to check them all out.


  1. Thanks you very much! I appreciate the vote and your support.

  2. You magnificent bastard! Thank you for your kindness towards my sucky blog. I will take this as a warning to get better.

  3. Thanks for putting up a link to my blog, I'm really flattered. I plan on working harder on it in 2010. I reviewed the other blogs you listed, great stuff. While I enjoyed them all 13(Monster Movie Music) and Tomb It May Concern really stood out. That's what you were asking for in the first place, right? Anyway, thanks again for the notice and a wonderful, regular blog.

  4. My thanks to you and the Giant Face for your flattering recognition of my struggles. You place me in good company, too.

  5. I wondered what was going on when everyone around me was getting awards. I was starting to feel left out and bracing myself to wait until 'maybe next year'...

    But no! I'm a winner too! Thanks to you Brian!

    Who started this? Where will it end? Will it ever end?

  6. I love seeing what you guys post from week to week. It's always interesting, original and quite inspiring. Thank you guys for all hard work and thought you put into your blogs.

  7. Thanks for the award! It makes me feel extra extra guilty for the lack of posts recently. Must do better... unlike your blog, which I'm very much enjoying catching up on. Thanks again!

  8. Very well deserved Prof, thanks for the great read and for some great new blogs to follow! Heres to another awesome year of TCRM

  9. Ross, Carl. for the kind words. I'm very honored by all of you guys! Thank you!

  10. Awww, thanks so much for this. Strangely enough, I had just discovered your blog recently (I simply don't do enough blog hunting!) and have been loving it, so I truly appreciate this nod.

    Thanks again!

  11. Thanks for this! So glad I decided to get back to blogging!
