Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Hump Day Posters: 1982 vol. 2


  1. Im dying to see The Incubus. Inseminoid, I was watching the previews for that one on Youtube the other day, pretty hilarious looking Alien rip off.

    The Boogens, Ive read about that one, never gotten a chance to check it out.

    Nice bunch of posters Prof.

  2. Thank you. The Incubus really needs a DVD release.

  3. Yup, Ive searched for it, but its nowhere to be found. Sadly. Those posters remind me just how silly some movies being made during the 80s were, kind of me wish they still made them like that! Theres something to be enjoyed in all that cheesy silliness!

  4. Holy shit. That Android poster is a little misleading. The art only hints at how bizarre and mostly depressing that movie is. The tagline suggests a quirky space sex comedy. Weird.

  5. Barbarosa, hell yeah!
