Sunday, February 28, 2010

The weekends are made for bad films

Friday night I finally got a chance to see my friend Dan after quite awhile. Anytime we get together it means one thing we watch bad movies. Friday night was no exception. We watched Delirium: Photo of Gioia , which is one of the goofiest Italian giallo films I've ever seen. It hurts sooo good.

We followed it up with the classic bug nuts film Drive in Massacre. This film was one of the best things I ever bought.

Saturday was another great day and busy one. Stopped by Hollywood Video which is in the midst of selling off all of their stock and they had a great many treasures I've been hunting for over the last couple of years.

Found all of these at Hollywood Video.

I've had this on VHS for many years and now I've finally upgraded it to DVD.

This is gonna suck.

Perhaps one of the worst films (And funniest) I've ever beheld. Looking forward to the Joe Bob commentary.

Haven't seen this Italian slasher since the 90's. Looking forward to another viewing.

A French spy spoof with some gorgeous women, I'm so there.

Looks fun.

Then I went to the local FYE and found a couple more gems.

I have the dimmest of childhood memories of it.

My David Cronenberg collection grows.

Hope it's good.

The cashier couldn't believe this one. Her words upon seeing it were "Oh my god!" Followed by laughing.


  1. Dead Snow underwhelmed me. Drive-in Massacre... oh boy, it's like they cut out all of the good parts. It always felt like half the movie was missing as I watched it. Fast Company bored me. I only watched it for Claudia Jennings. It looks like you've got a good bad movie session ahead of you, though. Some interesting picks there.
