Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sweet Beards: Paolo Malco

Here's Paolo in New York Ripper. Look at him, he knows something, not sure what though. Evey film I've seen him in he always brought the beard! So this one Mr. Malco is for you. You earned it.


  1. What does a sweet beard like Paolo's say about the modern man? It says I'll pick you up at 8, but arrive at 9:30, It says I'm not afraid to let a woman pick up the tab, because I've been out of work since 1982, It says Gin CAN be considered cologne, It says, yes, 25 dollars is an acceptable amount to pay a prostitute to blast you with piss while you smash your testicles with a copy of the Stand...
    It says all this, and so much more!

  2. It is a nice beard.

    I always thought, if I was a man, i'd grow a beard on the days off work.

  3. Whenever I think of Mr. Malco, I think of two things. The second one is when he gleefully kills the bat in The House by the Cemetery. That is just awesome but for some reason, the first thing I think of is when he buys the gay porn mag in New York Ripper. I don't know why that sticks in my head. I guess you really can't choose your legacy.

  4. That scene with the gay porn mags never registered with me until watching it again recently. I love the way the guy hides them in the daily news before handing them to him. I wonder if that scene was to make the viewer think maybe Paolo could be the Ripper?
