Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Look what the cat dragged in

Another weekend spent... spending. I'll turn the economy around single handed.

It seems that most of my hard earned bucks go to Amazon lately. These weekend I felt the need to order some '80's fun. Lately I've been addicted to the '80's sex comedies

Plus I found a few used DVDS at FYE.

And last but not least, my newest addiction. There goes my free time.


  1. Heh, I grew up watching '80s sex comedies. Screwballs, Private School, Zapped, Porky's, and on and on. I recently bought that Hardbodies Collection from the budget bin. It seems like they were trying to set a record for how many breasts they could fit in a feature length film. Apparently the first film was originally supposed to be associated with Playboy somehow, thus the softcore sex scenes found in it.
