Saturday, October 16, 2010

When Sci-Fi Channel not SyFy was good.


  1. I agree with you that back in the 90’s - when alas, I did not have the Sci Fi Channel on my cable provider – they ran a lot more classic horror and sf programming. However, now that they are in more markets than ever, we do get more original programming like Stargate: Universe, Warehouse 13, and Eureka, which outweighs the lack of classic genre films and television programs. Still, you do have to wonder how they can possibly justify airing some of the dreadful “reality” shows and professional wrestling that are now on SyFy. As consumers and advocates of genre entertainment, we can only vote with our eyeballs and not watch the crap they air. Also, Turner Classic Movies is a wonderful alternative for classic genre films and I’ve been watching some of my old favorites in HD there.

  2. I used to be a sucker for SciFi back when they would show my beloved MST3K on Saturday mornings, followed up often times by a Hammer flick or maybe a CONAN movie or some other fantasy/monster pic. In fact, I seem to remember you could generally count on them to have decent flicks lined up for a whole Sat/Sun afternoon & evening combo, many weekends... I also got hooked on the Kolchak show thanks to them airing it on weekday afternoons.

    Nowadays, even if I DID have cable, I doubt I would bother checking their listings. For people like me who DON'T get all caught up in the seemingly endless Stargate and Battlestar: Galactica programming, there just ain't much there, 'cept for those horrendous SyFy "creature features". Meh.

  3. SyFy now has some good original stuff (Eureka, Sanctuary, Warehouse 13) and some cheesy-kinda-fun flicks, but yeah, I loved their 90s years, too.

    I used to love the stuff they aired, the mix of horror/fantasy/sci-fi. Also used to love the promos and bumpers they had, some good stuff. Wish we had a good horror channel that was carried by many providers.

    Thanks for a good trip down memory lane!

  4. Yeah we got MST3K here saturday afternoons on Sci-Fi. Heard good things about Warehouse 13 but dont have access to it anymore.
