Thursday, March 3, 2011

Opening a Vain with Jacki Stone


By indrid13

I recently had the pleasure to once again talk to the amazing Jacki Stone, drummer for Vains of Jenna about all of the incredible music the band plans to unleash in 2011. If you’ve never given Vains of Jenna a listen, there’s no better time than now as the band is beginning on an exciting new chapter in their already legendary career!

When we last talked, Jesse was new to the band, and things were still in a formative state. Now that you have had time to gel as a unit, how has the creative process been flowing?

JACKI: It’s been great man… Jesse is really kickin’ ass and the band is on fire. It’s been almost a year now since Jesse joined and we are rockin’ it.
Nicki and Jesse have been working on a lot of new stuff that I think will be awesome!

You recently put out a cover of Cee-Lo Green's "Fuck You" ( What made you choose that particular song, and what challenges did you face in putting the Vains of Jenna style on the song?

JACKI: I think it’s a great song and it’s fun to play. We wanted to do something different and I guess this is just that. It wasn’t that hard to get the VAINS OF JENNA vibe in it, we pretty much found it and made our own thing of it in a matter of hours.

You are also filming a video for "Fuck You". What will the video be like?

JACKI: The video was shot a little over a month back by director Blake Bogdanovich. It’s being edited right now and should be out in the beginning of March. It’s a classic rock n’ roll video, but with some great weird footage as well… I think you all are going to enjoy it!

You're new CD "Reverse Tripped" is in stores soon. Can you tell us a bit about the songs on the album?

JACKI: This is a cover album. It’s got 14 songs on there, with classic rock n roll and of course the “FUCK YOU” song. It was a great and fun process making this one.

Producer Adam Hamilton was fantastic to work with… can’t wait to get it out in stores. This will happen on April 5th!

Not only will it be released on a CD ( … it will also be available on vinyl (!

Where did you record the new album, and what was the recording process like for the album?

JACKI: It was recorded at Palm Ranch Studios, Woodland Hills California. Like I said before, this is a cover album, but we worked with the songs a lot to give them as much justice as you can do when doing a cover.

Tell us a bit about your touring plans for 2011?

JACKI: We are planning on going out on a US tour in May –June. We are heading out by ourselves for May and then hooking up with a bigger band in June… you will soon see who. The plan is to tour as much as possible… go out again in July and August then maybe take the touring to Europe.

Is their anyplace you want to tour that you haven't had the opportunity to?

JACKI: We were in Argentina and Brazil a few months back witch was amazing… I would love to go to Japan for some shows… Australia and Mexico too.

What is the best way for the fans to get to see you in their town?

JACKI: They should request us on their local radio stations, get the word out about VOJ, in parties and clubs… that way we can get interest from venues to book us. To find dates for our shows you should go to our Facebook (!/pages/VAINS-OF-JENNA/77210915994), Twitter (, MySpace ( etc.

Speaking of fans, I am always amazed at how accessible Vains of Jenna are to the fans when they come to a show (everything from signing merch, to just having a conversation). As a fan, I really appreciate that from a band. How important do you find such interactions?

JACKI: It is very important. Without our fans, we would be nothing… we wouldn’t be able to tour or record albums. So to meet fans and hang out is an important fact.

Any parting words?

JACKI: Be ready for VAINS OF JENNA on the road! The cover album is called “Reverse Tripped” ( and will be in stores in April, pick up a copy!!!

And just so you guys know… we are also working on new material so a new original VAINS OF JENNA album will be recorded after many months of touring this year!

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