Saturday, August 27, 2011

Awards time

Recently, Son of Celluloid from the great blog of the same name bestowed upon me the “Liebster Award." Liebster translates to “dearest,” or “beloved." So, if that means The Cathode is beloved then thank you!

So without further ado here are five blogs you should go to and love right now. Right now!

Not Tonight Dalek-Perhaps the best source on the interwebs for great Dr. Who images. Updated daily with pics from new and old Who alike. Take it from me, The King of Dr. Who fans, this blog is a great storehouse of all things Dr. Who. I'm also King of The Wicker People, but that's a story for another day.

Cinema Somnambulist-Not only does Richard of Doomed Moviethon run a great web site but he also runs oen hell of great blog. Lately he's been submitting himself to Franco Friday's. Few have the will or the balls necessary to make a weekly sojourn to Jess Franco land. Somehow he does it and manages to stay sane.

Screen Grab! with J. Astro-There are many things I love about Screen Grab! J's willingness to tell it like it is.  His love of bizarre films and posts about snack foods. Cool features like the Guest Spot. And of course the Cage Match (I miss it) rules and inspired me. I'm never sure what I'll find.

Too Much Horror Fiction-Going to TMHF Is like going back to my youth. It's glimpse back at those creepy looking books at the check out isle in the grocery store. Books with lurid pictures of horror that eventually pulled me into the words and worlds of King, Barker, Straub and Rice. Worlds that I don't get to visit as much now as I'd like anymore.  

Ramen, Robots and Red Sauce-Is a crazy mix of horror,anime, art and rock 'n' roll. Where else can you go for epic pics of Devil Man figures, post on Guns N' Roses songs, Danzig bootlegs and The Demons films. I don't know about you, but for me that's awesome.


  1. Heck yeah, Prof!! Thanks!! I'm terrible at re-posting these awards, but I've been humbled enough to receive this particular one a few times now, and it only gets more prestigious as YOU confer it on me. I have re-christened it the "Lobster" blog on my own page, btw, because I am a juvenile ass with too much time on my hands.

    Thanks again, and lemme add that I think Sunday Smackdown is keen as hell.

  2. Thanks for the mention! I haven't posted for a while (constant near death experiences and all that stuff), but I hope to get back in the game once I can handle the situation. Thanks dude!!

  3. Thanks Professor! I'm always amazed if anyone gets my blogs so to receive an award for one is fantastic. Especially when coming from blogs as good as yourself and Son of Celluloid (who sent me one for my horror blog). So many excellent blogs out there too so to get singled out is an honour. Thanks!!

  4. Duder, you are too kind. Thanks so much!

  5. Wow, thanks, Prof! In good company indeed.
