Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hump Day Posters: Dear God No! (2011)


  1. Very very very cool collection. I wanna see this flick. Saw the trailer about 6 mos. ago I think, any idea if it has distribution or when, etc?

  2. Sadly I haven't been able to find out any details.

    Found this on IMDB

    "It was a local Atlanta indie production. They are making their way around to some of the film festivals. It premiered here in Atlanta a few months ago. It is badass. If you are lucky enough to live in a city with its limited release make sure you catch it. I don't know if there are plans to release it internationally. I do know they showed it at a Canadian film fest not too long ago though. So keep your finger crossed there Britain. Hopefully there will be a home release soon so everyone can enjoy it."

  3. It's coming to DVD and Blu-ray in America on June 5. It's currently being shopped around for European release.
