Friday, March 1, 2013

Femme Fatale Friday: Jane Fonda


  1. Love! Fonda was also gorgeous in the Poe anthology film SPIRITS OF THE DEAD.

  2. I desperately want to perform literally every concievable and possible sex-act in the known universe on Jane Fonda (as the bird was in 1955 when the bird was 18, not as the bird is now obviously).

  3. Although Jane looked astonishing in "Barbarella" she was actually 29 at the time of principal photography in 1967 and there-fore, strickly speaking, already 11 years past the absolute pinnacle and peak of her physical attractiveness and desirability. Thats why i wish "Barbarella" had been made in 1956 when Jane was 18 then it would`ve been absolutely perfect ! ! !.
